Reward & recognition reporting

Compare national average salaries and analyse job role seniority levels with a range of pay and benefits reports, published by our expert team. Plus, get help creating your gender pay gap reports.

Market rate reports & salary benchmarking

Each year, our reward and recognition experts publish a series of twelve easy-to-use market rate reports.

Using over three million employees’ current salary records from a wide range of organisations in the private, not-for-profit and charity sectors, the reports show you the salary and reward packages that attract and keep the best talent.

Job evaluation

Job evaluation is how we help you see whether certain roles offer enough value to your organisation.

Available online through subscription or as part of our consultancy packages, the service gives you a clear understanding of how jobs fit into your organisational structure.

Gender pay gap reporting

For your annual gender pay gap reports, team up with our reward experts to get clear help with:

  • How to work out any pay gap in your business
  • The actions to follow to stay on the right side of the law
  • Simple ways to avoid PR disasters
  • Cost-effective ways to achieve gender pay equality

Suggested Resources