Employee wellbeing policy

1 in 4 of us experience a mental health problem each year. Which means it’s highly likely you employ somebody who struggles with their wellbeing.

Without signposting staff to any support, you risk allowing their condition to affect their wellbeing at work – leaving them with no choice but to take time off or quit.

A dedicated wellbeing policy encourages staff to seek support when they need it. Then, it provides you with a step-by-step process to help them manage their mental health at work.

Download your free employee wellbeing policy

With Peninsula’s free example, you can see a HR-approved wellbeing policy. Download your copy to follow a secure roadmap when an employee experiences a mental health issue. 

You can use it as a template or starting point to create your own workplace wellbeing policy.

Meaning you can:

  • Reduce lengthy sickness absences
  • Prove you uphold your duty of care
  • Improve productivity and morale

Take the first step towards creating a healthier and happier workforce with your free wellbeing policy sample today.

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