Staggered hours

09 July 2019
Companies can add several hours to a working day by allowing their staff to work staggered hours. This is where some employees have different starting and finishing times from others but work the same number of hours as they normally would. For example, instead of working 9 to 5, some might work 8 to 4, others from 10 to 6. For companies that need to be on the end of a phone line over an extended period, be it for customer services or international trade, this is a useful means of extending office hours without resorting to overtime pay. Employees can find such hours useful if they have to drop children off at school or have other commitments. It’s also a great way of avoiding rush-hour traffic and can cut days’ worth of travel time over a year. Staggered hours are covered by flexible working legislation. Employees have the right to ask for staggered hours and after 26 weeks’ employment, they can make a statutory request which must be made in writing and can only be rejected with sound justification. Peninsula Business Services can provide advice and assistance on any aspect of staggered hours. Contact us online today, call 0800 0282 420, or use our callback form to arrange for us to get in touch at a time that is convenient for you.

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