Any substance or mixture of substances which presents a hazard to health and safety is a Hazardous Substance and must be categorised and labelled in a...
As an employer, you have a duty of care to keep your employees healthy. But in some industries, the risk of exposure to harmful substances is extremel...
In your business, you may consider monitoring the health of your employees over periods of time. This can help support your staff and ensure they’re w...
Whenever a significant risk to health or safety in the workplace is identified the employer has to take action to control the risk to an acceptable le...
Employers have specific duties to provide employees with information necessary to ensure their health and safety at work, providing it's reasonably pr...
With Peninsula Business Safe, you will benefit from an insurance policy, to protect against legal expenses in the event of enforcement action by the H...
Your business may require lone working to complete certain essential tasks. If this is the case, as an employer you must still fulfil your duty of car...
Many industries require their staff to do strenuous work. Whether it's lifting a load or other such tasks, you need to ensure that you have the right ...
Personal protective equipment (PPE), designed to directly protect a worker from exposure to hazardous physical and chemical agents, sits at the bottom...
Every business must comply with health and safety laws - regardless of their trade or industry. One legal requirement all employers must follow is pr...
All employers are legally obliged to look after the health & safety of their workers. Managing workplace increases employee health, safety, and we...
As a business, you need to keep health & safety records. There are many you need to document, so it’s essential to understand what details you sho...
Health and Safety Documents & Record Forms We provide a range of Safety Record Forms including:- Accidents, Incidents, Diseases or Dangerous...
For the effective management of health and safety and fire safety it is important to know who is on your premises and where they can be found. Our cli...
Anyone who’s working in an office, on a building site, or in a cafe will know about health & safety concerns. Extensive induction periods, seemin...
New technology has made it possible for more businesses to operate remotely. This has led to an increase in the number of lone workers. As an employe...
Your business will undertake many daily tasks that will need to be completed safely and with great care. No matter the task, it's crucial that you app...
A form of stored energy, compressed air can be used with perfect safety; but if compressed air systems and tools are not properly maintained or misuse...
The construction sector is known as one of the most hazardous environments to work in. There are so many factors needed to protect construction work...
As an employer, you may have lifting equipment such as forklift trucks in your business premises. You are responsible for providing training and test...
If you own a beauty salon or barbershop, ensuring health & safety in your business must be your top priority. Business owners who don't comply wi...