Health & Safety

The troubled waters of safety, health and welfare regulations can drown your business. Peninsula’s rescue team will light your way and protect you from the rocks. If you think health & safety is expensive, then try having an accident.

Our service includes

On-site compliance visits

Risk assessments & documentation

Health & safety software

24 hour advice

Did you know that some businesses don’t take health and safety seriously?

The rules and regulations around health and safety at work can be complicated, but of course, they’re there for a good reason too.

Fewer people than ever are injured at work these days, the result of all of us taking health & safety as seriously as we should. But it’s hard to get right and the law is demanding, especially for a small business owner. That’s where Peninsula can help small businesses.

Our team start with a risk assessment and review. Then, we check over your business and let you know what actions you need to take to ensure complete safety.

Different types of businesses can have very different risks and requirements. The Peninsula team has specialists from a wide range of industries, so you can be sure you’re dealing with someone who knows the particular needs of your field.

BusinessSafe Online

We also offer you comprehensive, easy-to-use health & safety management software called BusinessSafe Online. It’s your personalised portal to help keep your organisation compliant with the latest legislation. Watch the video to see how it works…

We’re the health and safety experts, so you don’t have to be

Procedures, organisation and documentation; hazardous substances, fire risks, fire extinguishers and emergency lights; manual handling, computer users, food safety and service, expectant mothers and young people; first aid and occupational health, incidents, accidents and disease; lone workers, contractors, protective equipment and training. And if the worst ever happens: legal representation, enforcement and expenses cover.

Is your business doing things right?

Arrange a health and safety review with our team today 0800 917 0771.

Suggested Resources